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H-Bomb Ties is a neckwear company inspired by Harrison (aka The H-Bomb). Harrison, who has Down Syndrome and Autism, has always had an affinity for bow ties, and he wears them often for all sorts of occasions. Harrison's parents created H-Bomb Ties to provide work training opportunity for Harrison, or other differently-abled individuals like him.
Whether it's packing an order, stamping thank you cards, or labelling envelopes... each order provides valuable opportunity.
H-Bomb Ties is a neckwear company inspired by Harrison (aka The H-Bomb). Harrison, who has Down Syndrome and Autism, has always had an affinity for bow ties, and he wears them often for all sorts of occasions. Harrison's parents created H-Bomb Ties to provide work training opportunity for Harrison, or other differently-abled individuals like him.
Whether it's packing an order, stamping thank you cards, or labelling envelopes... each order provides valuable opportunity.
The 80’s were a wonderful time where we witnessed major innovation, the birth of MTV, iconic cinema, and some of the best television shows to date. The H-Bomb is sick of hearing his parents talk about how great the 80’s were, so he got them this bow tie so they would shut up. Whether the pixelated reindeer on this tie get you feeling nostalgic for the glow of your Atari 2600, or finding your inner yuppie, H-Bomb knows that when you wear this tie you will look classy in a retro kind of way.
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