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H-Bomb Ties is a neckwear company inspired by Harrison (aka The H-Bomb). Harrison, who has Down Syndrome and Autism, has always had an affinity for bow ties, and he wears them often for all sorts of occasions. Harrison's parents created H-Bomb Ties to provide work training opportunity for Harrison, or other differently-abled individuals like him.
Whether it's packing an order, stamping thank you cards, or labelling envelopes... each order provides valuable opportunity.
H-Bomb Ties is a neckwear company inspired by Harrison (aka The H-Bomb). Harrison, who has Down Syndrome and Autism, has always had an affinity for bow ties, and he wears them often for all sorts of occasions. Harrison's parents created H-Bomb Ties to provide work training opportunity for Harrison, or other differently-abled individuals like him.
Whether it's packing an order, stamping thank you cards, or labelling envelopes... each order provides valuable opportunity.
Nothing says style like a black bow tie. Looking where to buy the perfect black bow tie? Look no further. H-Bomb Ties has sourced the best ties we could find from across the world. Whether you're dressed in a tux like James Bond on a secret mission, attending a wedding, or winning an academy award, dress like a gentleman and wear a black bow tie. Black tux? Black shirt? No problem. Try a black bow tie.